Feeling a bit more balance in life. Getting work done for myself in the midst of paid film/video work means a lot. Carving out time to watch movies or long form TV (not much different cinematically these days) too means I’m doing something right. Tack on domestic improvements, the semi-annual cleaning, and your faithful narrator has improved his disposition. If only my health would stay on board… No, I have not crashed and burned, alas lingering medical issues continue to plague me here and there. I have to stay ahead of my body a bit. That’s why I try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week. I don’t always make it, and I pay the consequences.

I opened my windows 2 days in a row because the temperature reached over 50 degrees finally. I did so much around New Rossdonia including installing new blinds, valance, and shades. Got a few new things here and there. Can’t afford to go crazy just yet, but in the future, I will spare no expense in improving my home. I procrastinated on the two cleaning chores I dislike the most (dishes and mopping) that I even reorganized my closet. I actually sorted my shirts and pants. I must really really hate doing dishes. I simply fail at mopping well. These simple tasks elude me, alas they must be done.

In the mean time, the marketing machine worked in full force. Been experimenting with REDDIT and got a link to trend for a couple days. It spurred about 1,000 views and 50 new subscriptions to the FRAMELINES channel.

Between various cleaning projects, I also managed to start compiling materials for the next Sonnyboo Podcast. These always go faster when I have some form of vision for how the animations should look. The ideas came a lot quicker than usual this time. Maybe this coming week I’ll be able to hammer this out and get it done.

Been thoroughly enjoying HOUSE OF CARDS season 2. Also devouring all the extras for GAME OF THRONES season 3, including both of the exclusive discs from Target and Walmart respectively. Too bad Disney’s MARVEL won’t do anything like that, nor even do much extras at all for THOR: DARK WORLD next Tuesday. AVENGERS and IRON MAN 3 skimped a lot on extras too. It’s as if Disney has no idea how their own genres fans respond to material.

That intangible thing I thought I was missing? I’m not missing it much anymore. I look at what I do for a living, wander around my ever improving home, pet my cats, and just breathe. Maybe it was sunlight and warmth I missed.

“Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting. Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here. Here Comes the Sun” – The Beatles

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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