This morning I delivered a DVD for replication of 1,000 copies for a client, ending a long project. Now, there’s nothing foreseeable on the horizon work-wise. That normally would send me into a panic, especially with a mortgage with my name on it. Now now. I have secured financing for the next few months to take care of the bills and work as it comes in without worry. Relief and relaxation entered my life today.
Already began the equivalent of a “vacation” today with some cleaning, rearranging, and prep work. I bought myself a present that arrives tomorrow in the form of a 70″ 4K UHD TV. I have hardly been unhappy with my 55″ TV for the last 4 years, which I got for a steal under $500. I didn’t get as good a deal on this one. I am not complaining. This is a gift to myself for weathering some tough times, making improvements in life, being a better man than what I used to be.
The next couple months will have some sporadic work come in, of course. It always does. In the meantime, I intend to enjoy every minute of this. Starting with some animation and editing for myself this week.
After that, revisions on the short film script, which I already printed out. Storyboards in hand, also soon to be printed and notations added. I will immerse myself in this story and how to shoot it. Having the time and the uninhibited freedom to do so without extraneous worry – that is what art is supposed to feel like, a taste of liberation from the worries of day to day life.
Now I feel happy. Very happy. And I serendipitously scheduled a party this weekend without knowing there would be cause(s) for celebration! Hot damn, this feels great!
“If you wake up and don’t want to smile
If it take just a little while
Open your eyes and look at the day
You’ll see things in a different way
Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow
Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here
It’ll be, better than before,
Yesterday’s gone”
– Fleetwood Mac