
I officially released the Framelines Interactive Tutorial. In the first 24 hours, it has had a pretty good response. One of the editors of a TV series I greatly respect said, and I quote “You guys did something really generous shooting this and giving it away for free. The footage looks great in 4K and doesn’t look cheap like most free footage” and that was nice. The other responses to the Interactive Tutorial have been very positive. I had an inkling this was going to pop with many people. It still hasn’t popped yet, meaning gone viral.

Already, this is one of the most “shared” posts I’ve put on the Internet and it’s only day one. The hope is that it gets shared and shared and then people who need or want this kind of project spread the word.

I did put it on REDDIT and it has gotten some really nice response from there and most of the clicks and downloads came from the REDDIT post for sure. I’m promoting a bit on Facebook, for free of course. It just takes a little bit of time is all. REDDIT has a few other opportunities though, and I’ll do those a bit more slowly over time.

I had no idea I got “Verified Producer” credit on Reddit! They are really strict about who they hand out credentials to. Not everyone gets listed like that. And a 97% upvote is great for one of my postings there. Many thanks to the Redditors who promoted the post for me.

I will be contacting several schools with media programs and letting them know about the project. Capital University is looking to give this out to students as an assignment in their film program (Thanks Jim!). There’s a few more places I have connections with and a few that I don’t know personally, but I will put the word out to them anyways.

I am quite proud of how these turned out. Everyone did a great job, crew and cast outdid themselves and make us all look good.

“And I heard your voice
As clear as day
And you told me I should concentrate
It was all so strange
And so surreal
That a ghost should be so practical
Only if for a night
And the only solution was to stand and fight
And my body was bruised and I was set alight”
– Florence+ the Machine

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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