After a good nights sleep, I feel much better, if that means I had insomnia from sleeping all day and my ass hurts as I run out of pain killers which helped me sleep. I almost edited. I came really close. I had the program open and looked at footage. Then I was distracted by the color blue for about 10 minutes and had to take a nap. Today will be somewhat better. I’m still wonky. I can’t just sit here all day again. It will drive me bonkers to go with my wonky – which every 7th grade chemistry teacher can tell you – do not mix! It’s a well known combustible combination.

Later this afternoon, I might try to walk a bit. Only 1 mile. No need to hurt myself. Just don’t want to lose momentum. Overall, I’m feeling way better already. This week should be good.

There are a lot of little things I can do, even from home. I need to finalize and export a lot of individual clips for things like FRAMELINES. There are web only segments of roundtables, tech tips, and other bits and bobs. Finalizing includes lower 3rds, title sequences, adding music, etc. I have a certain standard for these things and I quality control it before it goes out. That’s why hearing there were some mistakes in a roundtable I just put out bother me.

In less than a week, I will have Marie’s Pizza again. It has been foretold by ancient prophecy by the great soothsayers. The sacrifice of tomatoes, bread, and some kind of cured meat slices I will make to the gods. I will endure the dairy product cheese in honor of the troops. And it may inspire me to finish the video blog on Marie’s Pizza I started months ago.

My stress is starting to melt away. Health is on the mend. My personal issues are becoming very clear very fast. I can only offer peace so many times. It doesn’t mean war but it does mean generosity is about to reach its end. If I have to deal with things in that cold business manner only, then I’m going to be out for myself and not be concerned with anyone else. I hate when things devolve, but I have no control over others. Acceptance of fate is all that remains.

“It’s only mountains and the sea Love will conquer if u just believe, It’s only mountains and the sea There’s nothing greater than you and me”
– Prince

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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