Ideas creep up unexpectedly. In the car on the way to the Columbus Adobe User’s Group, a new Sonnyboo Podcast occurred to me and as soon as I got to the location, I wrote down the entire thing. These simple :90 second podcasts don’t take long to shoot and I like to re-write them a few times before getting on the greenscreen. Even though I’ve still got the ad campaign, a class to teach, and we even took on yet another project for a text book company, I plan to take the time out to shoot and put this together at some point. Unlike the last several shot, this one doesn’t require a more epic shoot, just some basic animation. I’m getting edgy without something new finished and to market.

Coincidentally, that is what inspired this next Podcast.

I need to recharge the batteries. Even with the inspiration flowing, the workloads getting taken care of, there is something to be said for getting rest; for being a little more at peace inside. I’m hoping to take time off soon, focus on just the projects I want to work on, get things finished and promoted.

“It’s getting near dawn, when lights close their tired eyes. I’ll soon be with you my love”
– Cream

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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