Things move pretty fast. If you don’t stop, then you’ll get more done. Youtube changed one of their formerly archaic policies, one the did not allow you to upload a custom IMAGE to represent your video. First, there was no choice – simply the 50% mark exactly. Users abused but by putting in a single frame of something appealing, like a scantily clad woman, even if the entire rest of the video didn’t pertain to that and the single frame would go by so quickly, you may not even see it. This is how being “Rickrolled” started, whereby people seduced by an appealing title and image would be mislead into seeing the music video for Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” in it’s entirety.

Second came the option to choose between 3 images from semi random moments in time from the video, none of which might be remotely indicative of the video. Sites like VIMEO have allowed users to upload a custom made image for a long while. Much like how they had 1280×720 streaming content last, Youtube is playing catchup.

Now, this means creating custom images for several of my more popular videos is a must. For short films, promoting the “official selection” laurel leaves and some of the festivals they have played at comes into play. I am basing this on the way AIN’T IT COOL NEWS’ new “Saturday Shorts” series has been selecting their titles, which is almost always one with a custom image showing off the Laurels.

Since I am beginning a consistent marketing blitz every 4-5 days, this seems prudent for any new subscribers or potential viewers. The way my mind used to work in promoting the site and the movies has ramped up. Expect to see a significant more Sonnyboo in the near future… As I said – I’m back baby. Ain’t no stopping me now.

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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