Working hard, making the cash money, and enjoying the nice weather. I’ve taken to reading whilst sitting on my bed with the window open for an hour, day or night. The world is a wonderful and amazing place. Life is worth living to the fullest right now. Getting things lined up to shoot and edit just makes a delicious entree out of the whole meal that is my life right now. The job I’m on right now is pretty all encompassing. I only have time to write this blog because I have 2 loads of laundry going and I have to be near the machine so I can get to sleep as early as possible. One of the perks from the divorce was getting to keep the washer and dryer. The long days and stress are counterbalanced by a decent pay day.

I’ve already spent $244 on shoes alone. I got a whole new wardrobe to help with getting new work, nonetheless dates with the ladies. I sprung for this haircut where they do the full neck and shoulder massage as well as a triple length scalp massage whilst getting the whole wash and rinse, complete with steamed towel on my face. I had a bad year last year and these days it’s all about me. Karma, my lovely new girlfriend, knows how to treat her man. Maybe some more good stuff for the homestead is in order.

Once this job is done in a few weeks, I will finalize all my shoot schedules and get this pile of projects on their way to completion. I may even get a few new lenses for the DSLR, which I don’t even use that much, but maybe I would if I had some decent $2,000 Canon lenses. Since we got the new shoulder rig, I really really want to use the T2i for more Behind the Scenes shoots. It’s so much more ergonomic in the rig!

I have a plan. The ambition doesn’t rise to the unreal, but it does have achievable goals that take a decent amount of work. I plan to meet my goals. Things are just plain going well these days. I do NOT want to fail to acknowledge how nice it is to own a home, have a good car, a good job, and even better friends helping you get your shit together.

I am grateful.


Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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