I am going to speak at Ohio State to some students about film soon. I used to let things like this get to my head, but doing a little homework, some of the students I’m speaking to have been on bigger sets than I have. One girl worked on THOR and met Natalie Portman, whom I am supposed to stay at least 50 yards from. I was a PA on Traffic over 10 years ago, but that’s not a big deal. I’m not some huge success, at least not by any definition I have set for myself.
I’m headed to Indianapolis for a film festival soon, but it’s for RELATIONSHIP CARD playing. I got the nicest phone call from the festival organizers saying it was a great movie and that they watched it frame by frame to see my inside jokes in all the graphics. I’m glad someone did because I took a lot of time to write out a lot of little inside bits for that.
Framelines is coming along. I have to re-edit the original pilot down from 28:59 to 26:46 running time. I got a great suggestion from Tiffany Arnold when we screened this at IndieClub a few months ago. She said we should show more clips from the movies we’re profiling, and she was right. So I need to trim out even more material to make room for more example clips. Looks like January will be the premiere and that will lead to a lot more exposure for everyone.
It’s official; I have avoided a lot of drama in the local film community. There is a big ado about some people’s work and how they are presenting it etc. and I have no part of it, nor really that much of an opinion. I’m so buried in my own work right now I wouldn’t know what anyone’s doing. I don’t have time to care about he said/she said.
Because of the fundraising, Alex and I came up with a quick bunch of shoots to do as promotion. I think these might be funny and they will be really really short. People will like getting a peek at what working with me is like.