When last I wrote on Ye Olde Blog, the Framelines Interactive Tutorial had just been released and my words said that the hope was it might find it’s mark with someone, somewhere. Well, that didn’t take long. NOFILMSCHOOL.COM made a post and a tweet, and the stats just went a boomin’
 I had hoped this might click with filmmakers, as we all do when we make something. It’s always a great validation when the audience agrees with you. We’ve broken our bandwidth limits several times on Vimeo per hour. It is 4K footage afterall.

The other half of the plan is working too. People are starting to post their edits with the credits to FRAMELINES. It’s fun to see what other people do. Some are black and white, others have really detailed sound design, and all of them are creative.

I don’t know if I’d technically say it has gone “[i]viral[/i]” yet. 3,000+ views in 24 hours is pretty good for something so incredibly niche. There are over 29,000+ “loads”, which is even more impressive since many people are straight up downloading the clips and not playing them on Vimeo.

There are two more phases to my plan. Next is writing a press release to all my favorite magazines, especially ones I’ve written for, and trying to get some notice for FRAMELINES and the Interactive Tutorial there. Crafting the release means customizing it for the interests and style of each magazine.

The final step will be contacting many schools, from high schools with media programs to colleges and tech schools like FULL SAIL and just letting them know the project exists. I’d love to see more of these Framelines Interactive Tutorials start being used in classes. Previous projects, less polished no less, have been, so why not capitalize on that?

[i]”U say that u love me like river
A river u say’ll never run dry
I’d rather hear u say 4 ever
Instead of a smile I’d rather see u cry
Don’t use the magical
Mysterious, intoxicating, joy fantastic
Fascinating word called love
Unless u love me 2 the 9’s
This is the only kind of love
That I’ve been dreaming of
The kind of love that takes over your
Body, mind, and soul”
– Prince[/i]

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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