That changed over fast. I went from weeks and weeks of procrastination to an enormous chunk of the short film edited literally over night. I talked about the invisible wall separating me from editing this piece to then diving in unexpectedly and then getting lost in the edit. In a sad validation of my OCD process, it was spurned on by the tedious work of recreating of the old Uncle Pete’s Playtime episodes to bring them into the 21st century in terms of style and quality.

Now that the originals are finished, I immediately started cutting away. My method that helped overcome procrastination was attacking it non linear. Not just software, I chose not to start at the beginning of the narrative and simply started editing the pieces I already knew exactly how they were going to go together. I started creating scenes, then sequences, and now I’m almost to the 50% mark already.

Just getting more and more done is the key, for me anyways. That and eroding the terrible habits of thinking I have to have an entire day (or week) free to open my mind to the creative process. I have developed bad habits that used to be good habits and now they don’t work for me anymore.  Always there is that mountain to climb and getting over the initial hump is the hardest.

Now that I’m past that hump, the “nothing is done yet/there’s so much left to do” now I get to the obsessive part about seeing it finished. Which has it’s downsides as well. It can be frustrating when I need (or want) things to finish it and don’t have them. This is a post production heavy, art direction laden project. So much is not in my hands that getting prepped was excruciating.

I stumbled upon a color grade I love for the interviews. I’ve had to do some re-exports of the old stuff, with the music tracks separated so that I can cleanly incorporate only short sections into the documentary style. I have an arbitrary deadline of late November to complete the film. That’s overkill, but you never know what happens with time, money, or work. No clue if it will end up being 12 minutes or closer to 20. All that matters is that it be good.

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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