Back to a 13 hour teaching day. At least I love the subject I teach; film and video. I can find inspiration in virtually any aspect of making a movie. Right now, getting into :30 Second Commercials and Music Videos represents one of the easiest modules to teach. I love me some commercials and the freedom of Music Videos to go abstract and still make sense. Going to shoot greenscreen on Monday officially. The Return of Uncle Pete’s Playtime is now on the books. I’ve got some nice outlines of new material and I’m just going to let George run with it and see what we get.

The Uncle Pete series is post heavy. It takes months to put together a final edit because of the backgrounds, the animations, and the supplemental material. The basic edits come together pretty quick and effortless. Getting the graphics and art direction takes a lot longer.

Originally, we shot with 2 cameras and this time we’re going back down to a single camera. Since this is primarily improv, that makes for a difficult match cut. Still, the new cameras we got in the intervening 8 years make easier greenscreen keys as well as a sharper, nicer image.

Miraculously, I still have the original pinwheel hat! That is the sum total of the costume essentials for Uncle Pete. The great J.D. Larabee will do some amazing animated characters and design work.

Found a notebook from a few years ago with some notes on potential new bits for Uncle Pete. Going to transcribe them to the Google Doc with all the rest of the ideas. I can’t wait to shoot again.

“Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise, Tastes so good makes a grown man cry”
– Warrant

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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