Holy cow, I have had one long week, that also is not letting up. Worked 3 jobs, got my FRAMELINES shoot done, and now I have been buried in greenscreen edits for one of the jobs until midday. I was awake every few hours to make sure I met the deadline. I directed a live gig and created some graphics for another project. Oh, and I have signed on to edit my 2nd short film for other people in 2 weeks. Here I thought this would be the typical slow December for work, meaning nearly none. And instead I’m busier for one week than I have been in the last two months combined. And it’s not over yet. All this paid work has merely pushed off all the blogs, podcasts, broadcast PBS shows, and edits for other people.
When I recover some time next week with 2-3 days of binge sleeping, I already got my tickets to see ROGUE ONE. Love me some STAR WARS and GARETH EDWARDS. His first film MONSTERS was amazing, bought the Blu Ray on day one for sale. My expectations are very high for this one. I’ve got a few friends coming along for the ride, as STAR WARS is meant to be shared.
Now I have to rush into some FRAMELINES edits to get a few episodes delivered, and then getting them up for broadcast. I have a tech tip and a brand new interactive project in the works that will be fun to put out into the world.
If only I could get some rest and rock out everything that needs doing….
“Straight as an arrow
Carry your intentions to the wind
Dogs all around you
But you cannot get the message to your friend
At every rendezvous you keep on walking around
Nighttime in the city and the rain keeps falling down
Let me tell you how it all works out
Never thought we had so much time to lose”
– Peter Gabriel