Imma truckin’ forward. Studio is substantially more organized and cleaner. Got a greenscreen shoot done last night for Framelines. The Dynamic Intern Duo of Joe and Jacob helped us shoot this after cleaning out the studio area. One on teleprompter, the other watching the HD monitor for continuity, and for probably the first time ever (thanks to the aforementioned teleprompter) I not only did the reads fairly fast, but with only a handful of screw ups. I suck at “on camera” stuff. Seeing myself on screen wasn’t as traumatic as it has been in the past, although I really have not lost enough weight yet. Miles and miles to go on that front. Gym, here I come twice as often now. I don’t want to scare off potential viewers with my fatness. I just realized it’s been over 5 years since the last time I shot some intros myself for Tech Tip videos.

I completely forgot I had written another VIDEOMAKER MAGAZINE article. Getting that in the mail raised my spirits. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. It gave me something new to promote this week.

My promotional efforts increase a little at a time. I’ve spent too much time away from promoting my works. Framelines finishing a season, getting asked for delivery from PBS, and gearing up to show some work out in the world, all this fills me with drive. I needed drive in my life right now. It’s like a kick start of adrenaline.

Final ADR session today for the multipurpose shoot along with the greenscreen last night and I can crank out 4 brand new TECH TIPS. I already tested the color correction and chroma keying of my footage tonight and it was really impressive how well it keyed. Compared to the work I’ve been putting into the stuff I personally shot (not much of a shooter myself) of Elizabeth McPherson and I feel a little unfair.

I’m gonna try to get several more of these written and shot soon, which will trigger another DEMO (read : fake) scene shoot or two as well. Our TECH TIPS are the most popular and useful videos we make. They register the most hits on the YouTubes and sell the most DVD’s on Amazon. I’ve always loved making these. For some odd reason, they also ruffle the most feathers, but I don’t really care.

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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