And another year comes to a close. I’ve been so busy of late that there has been no time to digest the happenings of the past twelve months. I usually slow down this time of year, only to be filled with my own works of the less-paid type and that is not the case in 2016. Although I have made the time of late for some personal and FRAMELINES edits to complete. Overall, I feel good. Not as sick as I have been. Not as poor as I have been. No where near as stressed. There is a calm balance I feel on the inside. Not sure where the future is heading, both for myself or the world at large. Not deeply concerned either.
I did not make as much work of my own as I would have liked. No short films, just FRAMELINES and Sonnyboo Podcasts, wh ich is not bad, but not what I prefer. I have used the Sonnyboo Podcasts and the Interactive Projects as a stop gap, a filler until I could get to making a short film or any kind of narrative piece again.
This has to stop, or at least be a lot lower of a priority as I get back to doing what makes me happiest in life. Paid work intruded at the last minute on the shooting of the latest short film, as has happened many times. This time I shan’t allow it to be a permanent or long term stop. I will shoot this short film in the next few weeks before my birthday. Mark my words.
I have taken on the editing for 2 short films for other people. Just like last year with Bob Bates’ short I worked on, I wanted to give back a bit to others around. I like the collaborative nature of editing on someone else’s movie. I never take criticism personally as I am trying to make the director happy, not myself.
2017 is shaping up to be a weird and interesting year already. My Frenemy known as time will tell.
“One more kiss, dear, one more sigh
Only this dear, is goodbye
For our love is such pain and such pleasure
That I’ll treasure till I die
So for now dear, Aurevoir, madame
But I bow dear, not farewell
For in time we may have a love’s glory
Our love story to tell
Just as every autumn leaves fall from the tree
Tumble to the ground and die
So in the springtime like sweet memories
They will return as will I
Like the sun dear, upon high
We’ll return dear, to the sky
And we’ll banish the pain and the sorrow
Until tomorrow, goodbye”
– Vangelis