A relaxing weekend. Low pressure, only tinkered a little with edits, did a lot of cleaning and preparation. This week appears on the horizon to be a low key, get-a-lot-done-on-my-own-projects kind of week. Weirdly, I have a list of things to do, all of them hold my interest, and my only problem is getting to a longer term schedule – the ultimate goal line. I need to get back to the feature film. This is all a scrimmage for the big game, so sooner or later I have to get off the bench. Health, money, time, and personal reasons have all held me back. Now that my confidence starts to come back, time to think about the future.

I had a master plan, and that’s gone now. Blank slate. What exactly am I going to do and when in 2014? 2015? I have many short term goals and schedules. Now that I have time, I’ll contemplate the big picture.

After I get some real sleep.

Still trying to rehome these two kittens, THING 1 and THING 2. I’m having a blast, but that’s because I know they are leaving at some point.

New Rossdonia has officially been cleansed literally and figuratively. This past weekend afforded me the time to clean, vacuum, decorate a little, and get everything into a new groove state. I am pleased with the results. My cousin crashed last night in the spare bedroom. First human overnight guest that stayed in that room.

I feel like such a grown up. Is that really a good thing?

“Je sais que c’est dûr, mais il faut se faire au changement, tu vois J’ai négligé le primordial pendant trop longtemps crois moi?”
― Sting

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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