Life takes some topsy turvy turns, my droogies. Your faithful narrator may have some serious changes in the near future. All I have worked toward seems to be getting noticed, in the best ways possible for me. With the plans I set in motion for my life, I had 3 possible options and I waited for a sign and I got it this week. A validation for a mole hill I created that might become a mighty mountain. In the mean time, I have work to do. I have some greenscreen to shoot, some episodes of FRAMELINES to complete, which entails creating a new title sequence for season 2. I haven’t been creative in the abstract, graphic way in a while, so this will be interesting.

This weekend will be spent tinkering with some graphics animation, a bit of layouts and template building for all future episodes of FRAMELINES, and then finalizing the brand new Sonnyboo Podcast being shot momentarily on the greenscreen.

Went to what should be my new house for a pre-inspection. Everything looks good. This could really be the new ROSSLAND. I don’t even drink, but I miss the idea of having a bar. Maybe it’s the social side of me wanting to come back out; I just can’t get this idea out of my head of having a bar in my home. I believe I have found a way to make this happen with minimal costs.

“Everyday it seems we’re wasting away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I’d drive all night just to get back home”
– Bon Jovi

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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