So today is Christmas. I did all my family stuff yesterday. Today was me and my boys at home. I viewed it as a semi-day off. I did some editing for FRAMELINES, watched some of the HBO show THE NEWSROOM which is my newest addiction, went back to editing on a video for Ohio State, and now I’m leaving the office after doing an edit for a client with the emailed revision notes. I love feeling productive again. I love what I do for a living, both the editing and teaching it. Some poor schlubs go through life not knowing what it is to make money doing what they love. I’m living a dream, even though it may not be the most glamorous of lives. I need to remind myself more often that this is a good thing.
Had dinner with some good friends. Talked movies, especially THE HOBBIT, which I have seen twice now. More on that tomorrow. Doing more editing at home caused me to re-arrange my edit suite here. Since this is also my Internet desktop, I don’t do a lot of heavy lifting, just basic cuts and take the projects and footage to work where I can do flourishes, effects, and color timing. I did set up my 27″ CRT TV to monitor the timelines though. This rock basically sat in an empty room unused otherwise. I realized I can also run a line of cable TV to it too so I created multifunctionality out of trash.
At the close of this incredibly strange year, I feel good. Better than good. I feel fantastic. I don’t have a lot of expectations per se, but if anything I can maintain how I am right now, next year looks to be pretty nice.