Another GOOD habit reforming in my realm. I’m starting to help on other peoples projects. Whether volunteering to edit or do colour correction, giving a place to edit or shoot, getting back to the more generous side of things remains important to me. I’ve been in hibernation so long that I need to get back to doing this kind of pay it forward mindset. Just installed Sony Vegas 12 just to start to learn another tool more thoroughly. We already use it for closed captioning work. I want to add a little more versatility to my toolkit. Plus having a few more options on the table for output/input of codecs and file types can never hurt.

I’m not a huge fan of Adobe’s new “Creative Cloud” business model. I think it sucks quite frankly. I’ve been a loyal Adobe fan for 15 years, paying for my software, and this seems like a slap in the face.

I want to fill my free time with productivity. I love making movies. I feel somewhat renewed, like I have the proverbial new lease on life. Whether that means walking more, cleaning (as I already do), and the ultimate lesson – learning to shut the hell up.

I’m sleepy as all get out. Maybe it’s medication, maybe lack of sleep, maybe all the new exercise, or whatever. All I know is that I want to walk some tough miles today in the park with steep hills, good tunes, and a clear head.

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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