A bit of a slowdown in terms of Sonnyboo output resulting from paid work and classes. This isn’t a bad thing, as I like keeping my house and car, and I really really like eating. A lot, both in terms of volume of food particles and how much I enjoy the particles I intake. In the meantime, my mind has been creatively working through several problems (I hate buzzwords like “challenges”). Before I have mentioned the upcoming Uncle Pete’s Play Time clips in process. One of them would have been controversial, at least locally. It relied too much on something real and I have decided to revise it before the animation had gotten too much completed. I am averse to controversy at the moment.

My next narrative piece has been fermenting even more. I marinate ideas in the creative sauce that is my boredom. Learning how to properly wrestle ideas from the muse has been a lifelong pursuit. My muse is a wiley minx that much like a real woman, requires different enticements at different times.

As it is, I have not re-written the piece itself in screenplay for in 15 years (almost to the day). I find these days that I write extensive notes, either typed or handwritten, and just think about the piece over and over until it basically makes the writing process a forgone conclusion, a mere formality at best.

I plan on using the holidays to get a lot more of my unedited material edited. The key word? plan….

“Load up on guns, bring your friends
It’s fun to lose and to pretend
She’s over bored and self assured”
– Nirvana

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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