I really have gotten better at watching movies. Committing to sitting still for 2 hours and turning my brain mostly off seems like it wouldn’t take a lot of effort but it does. No clue why, just not something I’ve done a lot of lately about 3 years. I just aimlessly read articles online or research project information without ever getting much done. I need to change that. I’m thinking of transfering a lot of this blog writing into book writing. I need to finish this 2nd real book soon. I keep blowing it off when I could at least be writing a draft, or a few paragraphs of chapters every single day. There’s no real excuse.

And the same for film projects. The invisible wall ain’t really there, much like the spoon. The only thing stopping me is, you know, me. I’m still fermenting ideas of a few things. Mostly I’m just treading water, like something is going to trigger my actually doing the movies.

I still need a break, a real vacation; time to get my head on straight without any stresses or distractions. Except my cats. I don’t need a break from the boys. Now that it’s just the three of us again, we’re doing great.

So what is it that feels like it’s missing, like a finger or a toe?

“Here comes that sun again. That means another day without you my friend”
– Ben Harper

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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