I am in an inexplicable good mood. I’m not going to question it, just go with it. I’ve got some projects in the queue getting worked on today and this weekend. More content to go live in no time. Life is a moment by moment roller coaster of highs and lows. I’m pretty sure this year will be someone more epic than the year before. I have many things in line to get done and I am motivated to make more movies. Been reading JW Rinzler’s MAKING OF RETURN OF THE JEDI coffee table book. I loved the first two and this is just as informative. It goes so in depth with such vivid detail, I feel like I’m there. It has just as much detail on creative decisions as it does distribution negotiations with 20th Century Fox.

Of particular interest is a few select transcripts of “story conferences” with George Lucas, director Richard Marquand, screenwriter Lawrence Kasden, and producer Howard Kazanjian. I devoured the entire 130 pages RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK story conference transcript that made its way online. It’s like being an observer at the birth of some of the most amazing cinematic moments ever. It made me want this RETURN OF THE JEDI transcript, as you’d be amazed at who had some of the best (and worst) story ideas.

Few books are as large as this with such a tiny font and so very complete on the making of any film.

“Love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night and love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves”
– Queen and David Bowie

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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