No movies seen at the theatre. Minimal editing done. Lots of feline distractions. Talked extensively to my lawyer friend. Tiled the kitchen. This was my weekend in a nutshell. At least I started getting a lot of much needed rest. After several weeks off from home repairs, I’m getting back to finishing the place. I’ve got a spare bedroom to paint, decorate, and populate with furniture. Right now, it’s Cat-Land – complete with litterbox and 2 cat-condos.

I’m motivated to get this done with a new deadline because I’m going to use the bedroom for people coming into town for shoots. A few actor friends in LA will need a place to crash and if I can provide a free room, that will be a nice gesture. Now that the place is really cleaned up and looking sparkly; I feel pretty good about not only having people over – but even putting them up if needs be.

My teaching schedule is lightening up big time this week. I’m glad for right now. I need some more time to myself. I really want to get all my editing done, at New Rossdonia with the boys. Then there is significant writing to be done as well.

I’m in a good place right now. Even burning out isn’t as bad as it was a year or two ago. When it comes to life, I’m happy very happy again. I don’t feel lonely. I’m not saddened or angry by little things, or even most big things. My motivation keeps me on track and accomplishing goals pushes me harder.

I don’t have time for other people’s nonsense.


Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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