I’ve been reading a lot lately. Books that is. My normal modus operandi has been alternating between a film book, and then a fiction novel. The last three books have been great reads, so I wanted to share some thoughts on them. I prefer non-spoiler reviews, so have no fear of anything important being ruined by me.
I’ve been an unabashed fan of Nicholas Meyer for years, and as I get older, I appreciate his film work even more. Ever since seeing TIME AFTER TIME, then STAR TREK II THE WRATH OF KHAN and into the oft-overlooked movie VOLUNTEERS with Tom Hanks and John Candy, I have been a big fan.
As self diagnosed obsessive-compulsive, I look up a lot of the works of artist I like and try to do some homework. Nicholas Meyer wrote a Sherlock Holmes novel called THE SEVEN PERCENT SOLUTION, a reference to the liquid form of cocaine the fictional character was addicted to. It was an amazing book to read, as I love Sherlock Holmes stories. The novel maintains the spirit and tone of the original novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and yet delved deeper into the characters psyche, quite literally since Sigmund Freud is a character in the story. I look forward to getting Nicholas Meyers 2nd Holmed novel soon.
I quickly tore through the pages of an autobiographical account of substance abuse and humor by the ever witty and amazingly insightful Carrie Fisher. Too many people know her solely as Princess Leia, but the reality is that she is the daughter of Hollywood royalty and her wit is unparalleled.
Carrie Fisher has written, especially uncredited many screenplays as a script doctor for Hollywood, and is a writer for the Academy Awards for over 10 years. Her life and her point of view have no equal, as the tenacity and self deprecation create a hilarious narrative and retains every ounce of femininity. I read this book in only 2-3 sessions because I couldn’t put it down. My sole example is describing how her father and mother were good friends with Elizabeth Taylor, and when one of her first husbands died, her father consoled her with his penis.
Because I couldn’t get enough, I had bought brand new, an incredible rarity for me, the Nicholas Meyer autobiography VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE. Sadly, as his own forward mentions, the focus (and book cover) put an emphasis on his involvement in STAR TREK, but he has done so much more and has so many other facets, all that are equally (if not more) interesting. The book starts with his struggles to be a screenwriter and a director, something most filmmakers can relate to.
I’m not done with this book, but I don’t suspect it will take me long since I’m turning pages a lot with this one too.
Next up is a book on loan, another Sherlock Holmes adventure, this time by THE ALIENIST author Caleb Carr, whose other books I liked. I had no idea he wrote a Holmes story, so we’ll see how this one turns out.