Just got a fabulous email from a film student in Australia saying that he just saw one of my videos from FRAMELINES in his class. Positively surreal to have my fat face showing up in classrooms in another hemisphere and continent! Submitted FRAMELINES to two more contests. I don’t even like competition, but I want the show to get seen more. More promotion for FRAMELINES top gear up for the April 14th premiere of new episodes. I’ve got to find a new avenue or two for getting word out. Along with the press releases, web stuff et al, there must be other avenues to pursue.
Trying to put together a couple things in terms of shoots. Organization is everything. Just wanting to be an artiste or expect it to all get done for me would be a ludicrous proposition. I see it all the time, people just expecting stuff to get done for them. I keep scribbling notes and ideas down. What to shoot, who to shoot, who will shoot, colors, costumes, or anything else that just occurs in my skull.
I only wish I could be a better person overall. I am not well rounded. Single minded and obsessive is something of an understatement (IE like saying “water is a little wet“). For some people to nitpick and go off on how much I love my cats, courageously behind my back no less, just confuses me. Maybe my ex was right, that they are jealous that they don’t have anything they care about as much as I do, but I still don’t understand that emotion well.
All I know is that being passionate about something, anything – even two furry rascals makes life better. Caring about making things, to create and then being excited enough to put it out into the universe to be seen, judged, or ridiculed is not a choice; it is who and what I am. Why on Earth would I change who I am to placate pathetic people who talk behind my back like a pack of cowards with no honor?
“The albatross begins with its vengeance. A terrible curse a thirst has begun. His shipmates blame bad luck on the Mariner about his neck, the dead bird is hung.”
– Iron Maiden