I like to emulate the workflows and pipeline of how larger post production facilities operate. If we ever get the workload increases I am planning on, we’ll need to maintain organization and file structures so that when more than a single person work on a project, everyone will be on the same page. If someone is sloppy or disorganized, it wrecks the entire train. When you’re all doing things with the same toolset and files in the right places, it makes the creative side flow smoother. Trying to get FRAMELINES done in a timely fashion (after an incredibly untimely amount of time) means working on several machines, all with the same footage and different people doing different aspects of the edits. Some will work on “A-Roll” meaning the interviews, then someone else might come in and do the “B-Roll” meaning the Behind the Scene footage or clips from movies to go over top of the interviews, usually to cover up the edits to the interview. It makes it all a coherent, visually interesting compilation.

Keeping consistent file names, folders, bins, and titles all culminate into a cohesive workflow so that the next editor knows where everything is. I usually create bins in the project for VIDEO, AUDIO, TITLES, STILLS, and SEQUENCES, and within those I can create subfolders to further organization, like VOICE OVERS, MUSIC, etc. in the audio. Even in a simple project, you can wind up with over 100-150 files. If they are all just jumbled into one giant disorganized mess, no one can sift through and find what they need in a hurry.

There isn’t a lot left to do to these episodes now. Very few stories have nothing edited at all, and it may even be a single story at this point. The final roundtable has the multicam edit completed of the entire thing from 4 camera angles. Now it needs to be chopped down from over an hour to the 2 best 5 minute segments for broadcast, then a 15 minute bonus set of material for the web and CLIP FRAMES.

Having a complete 16 episode season off my plate will alleviate the Obsessive-Compulsive side of me, at least until I set another hurdle in front of me. I hate leaving things unfinished. It drives me batty. At least now, several people all have their metaphorical shovels digging this show out.

Hopefully more clips to be released very very soon.

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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