Got the two greenscreen shoots done in the midst of 10-13 hour work days. I love keeping to my promise to myself; keep making movies. As I said recently, 15 years ago if I had seen the studio where I worked, all I would want to do is make movies all the time so that is exactly what I will do. I was operating with a lack of sleep, bleeding, pain in my foot, and stress from the TV spots we’re working on, but on the 2nd take, I started to come back to life. Taking a 20-30 minute break from the day job really did a lot for my energy. I wish I hadn’t lost this energy for so long. The last few years had been somewhat fallow. There is nothing I can do about it, nor shall I lament this for more than a moment. It’s a waste of time and energy to wallow on the fallow.

No, looking forward, all I see is fun and creation. I intend to keep shooting, keep editing, and keep marketing. This machine is barely getting started. New interns have started, one with a specialty in audio and music. Will probably start a new pipeline for the workflows with everyone involved and I need to train the boys on keying the greenscreen a little better themselves.

I’m still a little selfish on the After Effects work. I find it therapeutic to create backgrounds or abstract animations. The way other people might paint for the sake of painting, I like to animate for the purity of just melding color and shapes.

As I was checking the text file for the teleprompter, I stumbled upon yet another idea for a greenscreen shoot for the Sonnyboo Podcast series. This one could have gone either way with that or FRAMELINES, but I think I’ll give it to Sonnyboo. It will probably wind up on FRAMELINES anyways, but for the initial release it goes to the Boo.

I could have shot it right away and just added it to the teleprompter. Eh, I think a re-write usually makes a better product. Since one of the things I was about to shoot was a re-write from last year, I knew not to even try to shoot this brand new idea too soon.

“One more card and it’s 22 unlucky 4 him again. He never had respect 4 money it’s true. That’s why he never wins ”
– Prince

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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