We setup a new network at the office. Production Partners needed a better system for sharing files. Since we have the Sonnyboo Intern Army and a workflow for editing, the need to share assets (meaning footage, music, stills, and anything we use in an edit) became essential. We also bought a 6 Terabyte drive to use for redundant backups stock elements. Ever since I setup the network at home, I felt it was important to get this rocking at the office too. It took a lot of effort (for the boys, me not so much), and wiring, but it looks and works pretty well.

We use the Adobe CS5.5 setups with Matrox MX02 products on 3 editing machines, Edit A, Edit B, and Edit C. Edit D uses CS4.2 with the old Matrox RT.X2 product because it allows us to still digitize from Firewire (IEEE1394) directly to the Matrox Codec/*.AVI format. This is incredibly handy since we use hybrid tapeless formats, in that our JVCHD110 and Sony Z1U cameras still shoot tape and we have Compact Flash card recorders that attach firewire for tapeless recording. If the CF cards drop frames, we can always go to the tape as a backup. Plus tape is easier storage.

Connecting one of the duplicator machines to the mix also means DVD/CD burning to 100+ discs from any computer works more efficiently. It is always worthwhile to invest in infrastructure in a business.

I went to put the 13th episode of Framelines together after finally beating my procrastination facination only to discover that one other story was only partly edited AND that it doesn’t fit the format. Ugh. Now I have to figure out what to do and soon.

The Ohio Channel has requested some new episodes of Framelines, and they cannot ingest file based media, so that means going to tape with Closed Captions. It’s not a lot of work, but it is something that takes real time, so back to the grindstone for me.

And the latest Cell Phone Monologue to edit. And paid work. And teaching. Sleep is not my friend. Sleep is a sly little minx toying with my emotions.


Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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