Yesterday was something of a nice break through. I was exhausted, burned out, and fried. And still I managed to edit out the latest Sonnyboo Podcast. Plus I walked 4 miles after looking at furniture and housewares for the new homestead. It was a better alternative to sitting around doing nothing. I watched two movies Saturday night and one more last night too. All my head thinks about are all the things I am about to shoot, things shot and unedited, and now it races towards where furniture will go in a new space along with what colors I need to paint everything. My brain cannot shut off right now. So much going on, so much to do.

I got asked to write an article for STUDENT FILMMAKER MAGAZINE for their issue that will be at Cine Gear Expo in LA next month. So I did. I wrote something and hobbled together some images for the article and sent it off. I could have watched TV or done something more mundane, but this seemed like fun.

The breakthrough came in the form of editing yesterday. I forced myself to do it, so I edited for 20 minutes, then did laundry. I edited and did graphics for 30 minutes, then went for a walk. Came back, edited for another 20 minutes then made lunch. Watched a little something, then finalized my edits. Rendered out the web videos then went to buy some housewares. Uploaded and started writing the article.

All in all, I become very productive when my attitude was to sit and veg out with nothing to do or think for hours at a time. It’s not my best work, but then again, I have never even come close to doing my best yet, so all I have to do is keep DOING.

I’m making things. A lot. Volume does not equate to quality, but I think that practice makes perfect. I am getting better in all areas. The more I make, the better I do get at everything from editing, to hosting on camera, to writing, but the most underrated aspect of all this? Inspiration. The more I do, the more inspired I get to increase what I am doing.

I’ve got more FRAMELINES roundtables almost ready to come out, more Tech Tips, another Movie Cliche might get finished early this week, and a few more Sonnyboo Podcasts outlined to shoot in the near future, one in particular will become popular I believe.

CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT. Must feed the beast that is my OCD and my muse. She’s a big fat bitch, but I loves her anyways.

“Lines are drawn upon the world before we get our flags unfurled. Whichever one we pick. It’s just a self deluding trick”
– The Police

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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