The latest Sonnyboo Podcast seems to be doing well. Almost 200 views in a little over 24 hours. The last one is lagging behind on views with 180 or so and it’s almost 3 weeks old. What I find significant this time is that the Podcast has been shared a lot more, liked a lot more, and the response more positive. 
Because of a lack of content, I quickly rendered out the background on the Sonnyboo Podcast as a FRAMELINES Tech Tip and uploaded it to FRAMELINES on Vimeo and Youtube. In my experience, consistent flow of content keeps people interested and followers are more content if they have something to see more often.

We live in an era of short attention spans and audiences have a voracious appetite as neophiles for content. A constant stream of new material is the only thing that seems to satiate the beasts. I want to feed it as often as I can with my new movies, regardless of length or type.

My plans for shooting this month just got derailed as I have to go find a new place to live. NEW ROSSDONIA will be no more. Rossachussettes? Rossland? Rostopia? Rossylvania? I need to find a new space before working on a new name….

“So why do you fill my sorrow with the words you’ve borrowed from the only place you’ve known?”
– Damien Rice

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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