Sleep does not come to me easily when so much is left undone. Getting out this most basic of Sonnyboo Podcast gave me so much relief. I put in a minimal amount of effort and even thought into it. The animations are rudimentary, and the statements so basic that it was almost not worth it, but then there is something the content that I feel passionate about. Even with a blatant scar on my face from an unwanted feline response to me rolling over on Vladimir Jack Bauer, I am putting this out there. I mean, I’m even dressing like a dork from the mid 1990’s with a T-shirt and vest. My quality bar was still met with this Podcast, albeit just barely.

Looks like we’re going to try to attempt Uncle Pete phase 2 this week with George Caleodis back in the Midwest. More material to get shot and edited over time for Sonnyboo. That is good. And I took on yet ANOTHER paid gig for next week. Because I wasn’t sleeping and stressed enough, why not do even MORE to make that worse?

I look at it was funding the next several Sonnyboo filmic adventures, projects I intend to get to in the not too distant future. What I have in mind will make the wait of over a year worthwhile.

“I can’t be sure that this state of mind, is not of my own design. I wish there was an over the counter test, for loneliness.”
– John Mayer

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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