I am hoping to finish my edits on the drama this weekend. I didn’t chip away at it much because, thankfully, we had a lot of work this past week for Ye Olde Day Job. I love that I edit for a living. There are far worse ways to make a living. I enjoy what I do a lot. In the current climate of economics, I am grateful to be doing something that I love and get paid to do it. I edited some TV spots, a TV show, an actor’s reel, and an instructional video. There’s even variety in what I get to work on, so it’s not really boring.
Most of the computer graphics design work has come in for the comedy short from TJ Cooley. I cannot wait to get this one done. I played a rough cut for a friend of mine who has been, shall we say, not at all fond of any movie I’ve made. This is someone who I work with professionally creating graphics and doing freelance editing for. He thinks every short and my feature are beneath me and the skills he thinks I have. He doesn’t think I’ve made a single thing worthy of praise. Until now that is. Even without the graphics, which is integral to the piece, he thought it was the best thing I’ve ever been involved with. High praise indeed, especially considering he hasn’t seen the finished piece, plus I have not done the pickup shots for it.
I am pretty impressed with several of the music videos for the Ohio Film Office’s competition. They asked for Ohio bands and Ohio filmmakers to combine their talents for a music video contest. There are some amazing clips out there. It makes me proud of our statewide community. So much untapped skill being applied to a mutually beneficial application between filmmakers and musicians.
Today I volunteered the studio to a non-profit, everyone’s donating for free shoot. It’s for an urban outreach program. The real sacrifice was being here at 8:00AM on a Saturday (or any day before 11:00AM for me). I am sleepy and tired.
This weekend I hope to show My Sexy Girlfriend Veronica ™ the classic CASABLANCA. She’s never seen it and I’ve only seen it twice. I got the HD-DVD of it for $3, so that will be a treat. I also rented the Blu-Ray of AMADEUS, so I’m hoping between tonight and tomorrow we can get through both movies. AMADEUS in 5.1 DTS Surround should kick some serious assage.
I saw WATCHMEN. It was good. I like a perspective on the super hero mythos that analyzes some psychology and addresses the flaws in the comic book logics. The idea of “right and wrong” not being black and white, along with what a hero is, are all subject to examination, which to me is the spice of the genre rarely tasted.
Oh well, need to do something more productive than writing this drivel.
=- Ross