Okay, it’s official. I’m back, baby. I’ve got several things editing, which means I’ll have something to promote, and I love getting the stuff out there. FRAMELINES is great because it promotes not me, but the work of others. It’s a show that highlights a lot of people doing things in the state. One major hurdle, the funk around editing, has been surpassed. Time to get rocking on some more goals. One of my invisible walls stopping me was not having a team. Do good work and people will come to you. I need to get more of my current work out there and seen, the rest will follow.
The rent is paid. The utilities are up to date. Still eating from Xmas gift cards. I’ve got at least a month to focus on several non-paying projects and accomplish a lot. It’s hard to focus on the unpaid work when you’ve got bills to pay. I saved up a little and now I’ve got the chance to whittle away at the mound of work I’ve put off.
I will soon have a Digibeta master tape of HORRORS OF WAR in my hands. Since we have a deck, I’ve wanted an uncompressed copy of the movie on a hard drive just to have. I still haven’t watched the movie since early spring 2006 and have no intention of watching it anytime soon.Talk about a demoralizing blow it would be to sit through one of the biggest squandered opportunities of my life! Don’t get me wrong, there are redeeming qualities to the movie, but it’s hard to see those in context. I can remember the good parts better in my head than seeing the bad ones.
It’s a struggle, but I’m forcing myself to watch movies. It really shouldn’t be. I love movies. I keep buying them on Blu Ray because I’m such a quality snob and won’t watch them on regular DVD’s or streaming, and God forbid on cable TV with commercials (the shame!). Of course I buy them on a budget, either used or wait for kick ass sales. I just bought 7 Blu Rays new for $23.48, which is an average of $3.35 each which is an acceptable expenditure on my budget.
I just need to make time to WATCH them…