The pressure of the projects lined up affects my sleep. Anxiety dreams and all kinds of stress keep me from getting good rest. Meetings about different projects, amping up the preparation, and generally worrying; this is what my nights are like now. I’m trying to calculate every angle and decision without killing spontaneity or creativity. It’s like trying to smoke without inhaling or choking. Working on perpetual shot lists for the feature film, trying to make sure each scene gets shot the best way I know to tell the story of each moment. Honing my skills editing on Framelines, which did NOT make it’s deadline (100% my own fault since I took several segments back to edit myself, without the time needed to do them in the time frame).

Got some test footage last night from a Sony F3 with the SxS cards in full HD. Sony’s CINEALTA cameras, revered by many a cinematographer, is what we’re shooting with tomorrow night. This shoot represents a simple little thing I had in mind, but never got around to. Now, with the help and inspiration of the Sonnyboo Intern Team, we’re going to get this started and hopeful continue with these video podcasts.

I’ve outlined about 12-13 little minute or two video podcast ideas that I think (meaning hope) will go viral. The goal of this series is to instigate others into doing their own podcasts and create their own ideas, much like the Cell Phone Monologues, which I am shooting another 1-2 of those this month too.

I prefer projects of a non-competitive nature. I think people give their best when it’s working together, not against each other.

I have no idea if anyone else will ever make one of these things I am starting. I do not believe I have any kind of influence or popularity, locally or online. I think I used to, in the past, have some of that, but not so much anymore. Regardless, I can only do what I’m going to do, throw the net and see what we all catch.

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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