Did a big shoot this past weekend with a world famous body builder. I was run ragged after the big national TV spot ad campaign, but decided to do this anyway. Money is money, and the guy was way cool to work for. I also put some money into a friend’s pocket as an assistant for the day. I didn’t even need the help, but spreading the good will always pays out in karmic debt. As the weather turns warmer, the sun comes out brighter, and life just seems to breathe into life; I feel great. I’m teaching like mad this week, writing a new college class, and editing on some things. And meeting with some other potential new clients of my own. Referrals come out of the woodwork and it makes me humble.
I do not understand why but I am ecstatic about life. An abundance of good food, great conversation, and even better people around makes for the time of my life. I’m sure there are things that could shake this off and I cannot abide spending time contemplating what they might be.
Getting my Emmy submissions ready, feel great about this year’s stuff. FRAMELINES might actually take home a statue this time. If not, I’ve really started to enjoy the process as a whole. Aiming for the stars, reaching a few floors higher each year ain’t the worst thing.
I have come to realize that my past was truly prologue. The decisions of the past reverberate into tomorrow and affect today in ways I never imagined possible. I planted the seeds of happiness without realizing it at the time. Making hard decisions, leaving behind the worst parts and the negative only paved the roads I travel down now.
I have peace and happiness. Rossland continues to glow as a beacon that says home to me. The Boys of Rossland remain jovial and well fed, feline or otherwise. As I gear up for a blissful slumber, all I know is that yesterday, today, and tomorrow are good days.
“What’s the point of this song? Or even singing?
You’ve already gone, why am I clinging?
Well I could throw it out, and I could live without
And I could do it all for you
I could be strong
Tell me if you want me to lie
‘Cause this has got to die”
– Damien Rice