Time flies. I have been so busy within my “time off“. I still manage to find or create new work. Yesterday served as the template for how everyday should be during this time. Already today, I failed to follow suit. What I did do today was agree to edit someone else’s short film for them. Work will commence forthwith. First synching and transcoding to a more robust editing codec and all the other assistant editor duties I shall perform myself. Since I haven’t been all that social of late, aside from some soires at Rossland, this is an opportunity to Pay It Forward as well as interact with people I respect. That, and always keeping my skills sharp, working for other masters.

FRAMELINES post production has continued in earnest. Roundtable edits finalizing for 90 minutes of new material. Some other segments getting finalized and tweaked as well. The big Cleveland 48 Hour Film Project episodes are next on deck and that will be a chore, as it is an enormous amount of footage.

Yesterday, I edited on FRAMELINES, managed to do some chores around the house, played with each kitten for equal amounts, indulged in some 4K Netflix, watched a full feature length movie, talked on the phone to a human being, walked for 2 miles, and thereby completed my daily agendas.

Need more days like yesterday…

“You’re not my eater, I’m not your food
Love you for God, love you for the Mother
Eat me in the space within my heart
Love you for God, love you for the Mother

Mother fountain or live or not at all

The most level, sunken chapel
Love you for God, love you for the Mother
All’s there to love, only love”
– Massive Attack

Categories: blog

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer


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