I am about to turn 46 years old in less than 2 weeks. I just got my first Official Selection in 2018 for my new short film, and I got notice that I have advanced to the next round of judging for 4 more festivals, including ones in New York and Los Angeles. A giant paycheck arrived in the mail today, so I also submitted to another 7 film festivals, which means the total number of submissions now equals 46. See? It all comes full circle.

Via a friend who I showed the rough cut to, my latest short film is going to be passed along to some execs at Adult Swim so we can try to pitch them on doing a series, kind of a hybrid of the sketches and the mockumentary format we established in the short film. I don’t even have cable TV and have not had cable in years. I have gotten caught up on Rick and Morty, which is genius, but overall, I am not that familiar with their programming. Supposedly, this film is right up their alley, so I just want to go in to any potential meetings with the notion of being flexible and really be open to changing my initial ideas. I want to be true to my vision and also really listen to ways that might improve the project.

Who knows? It might lead to nothing. I am prepared for that likelihood as well. It’s just amazing to have the possibility at my age.

Any who, the film festival route seems to have been the best choice. I might travel to a lot more of these fests than originally planned. I got another car so long trips are definitely on the table. I’m feeling pretty excited right now. Things are unintentionally looking up!

Peter John Ross

A filmmaker, a dreamer, and the world's only Dan Akroyd Cosplayer